
Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu akhawaat,

This is such a powerful message and such an underrated thing these days soubhana Allah.
I wrote a little something after seeing this image and posted it on my instagram..
But this is actually something I think about a lot these days.
People show perfect homes on socialmedia, daily.
I don’t know HOW they keep everything so tidy and neat.
Because I work hard and every single day my house looks messy and I have to start all over again soubhana allah..
And this is such a big part of our 'need for everything to be perfect - culture' we live in these days..
But from the moment I got married, I wanted to build my husband and myself a home. And WE did that. Together. Our house isn’t from a catalogue, but it’s warm, cosy and totally us. We put a lot of effort and love in this house, and we love it alhamdoellilaah. We both find peace here alhamdoellilaah. I work every day to maintain it, cherish it, renew small details and make life more organized and neat. But at the same time, I love it when you see people live here. When it shows all those little signs of people feeling at home here.. in that I take pride. In a society that seems to scream to me I have low ambitions if that is one of my goals. People look at me weirdly if I say I’d rather have that one place I can call ‘home’ above all the traveling and wanderlust we have to chase these days. I mean, I love vacations and far away countries and adventures. But at the end of the day.. I also love being here. In my home. That me and my husband built and filled with love for the sake of Allah Azza wa Djall💕


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