The masjid

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu akhawaat,

Almost graduated in sha Allah..
Almost a mommy in sha Allah..
I dreamt of learning arabic, having my heart bound so close to the House of Allah Azza wa Djall that my daughters heart would bound with it as well..
That the mosque would become her safeplace from a young age in sha Allah.
An place she would know as safe and good.
A place to hier herself from this dunya and it’s fitnah..
This is what I hope for in sha Allah..
What I pray for.
As the mosque has been my safeplace since I was 16 years old and had just converted to Islaam.
For over 10 years the mosque is the one place I feel like I can detach myself from this dunya and focus only on myself and my Lord.
Where all the big problems become small ones soubhana Allah.
So, here I am.
At the entrence of a new chapter in my life in sha Allah.
One where I’m not a student anymore, but most of all: one where I become accountable for someone elses upbringing..
All with Allahs Will..
I feel ready.
I’m not scared.
I’m in Allah’s House.
Everything will unfold the way He wants it to in sha Allah ✨..


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