A morning in Mina

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu akhawaat,

This was last monday morning, exactly one week ago. The morning of Arafat. Just a couple of hours after the sandstorm.. It was early in the morning and I was sitting next to our tent in Mina on a little step watching the clouds and the mountains. I don’t really have pictures from my Hadj because it was too special, spiritual, overwhelming and intense and I wanted to just take it all in without the lens of a camera in between.. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it was how I felt. But this paticular morning I decided that this was one picture I wanted to take.. With all the people and all the quite modern comfort in the tents you sometimes feel a little disconnected and really centuries away from how our beloved prophet sallalahoe aleiyhie wa salaam experienced his Hadj.. But looking at those mountains I could almost imagine the Ummah 1400 years ago, making their way to Mina soubhana Allah.. and my heart became at ease again.. Our stay in Mina was a lot of things, but moments alone (or almost alone) are rare with so many people around you.. But this was a moment just for me, cleansing my soul, reminding myself why I was there alhamdoellilaah ✨


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