I'm not lucky

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

I don't believe in 'luck'. So when people tell me I am lucky, I tell them NO. I am blessed, alhamdoellilaah.
I am blessed by Allah, and with His Will I've been tested alhamdoellilaah.
And with His Will I've been blessed. Alhamdoellilaah.
Don't put away my happiness with something as random and belittleing as 'luck'.
I prayed for everything, I cried for things, I endured. And by Gods Will I was blessed with beautiful family and friends and my husband alhamdoellilaah.
Don't insult me and my God by saying 'I got lucky'.
I didn't.
I just always believed in Allah, alhamdoellilaah 💕. #

myadvicetoyouall #wehaveAllah #alhamdoellilaah #wehaveeverythingweneed


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