Lecture by Bilal Assad

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

At first I would like to take a moment to apologize for neglecting this blog for such a long time.
I don't have the courage to promise a lot, giving the fact that time is not in our hands. It's in the Hands of Allah Azza wa Djall. And because of that fact, I can only promise that I will try to make time and have the inspiration to keep up blogging.
I wanted to share a beautiful lecture with you guys in sha Allah, from brother Bilal Assad.
Reflections on the Prophets - 1 the beginning
And in this lecture he speaks about the very beginning of times. Before mankind was even created. He speaks of Shaythan, the djins and the angels. And their reactions when Allah Soubhana wa Ta'allah decided to create mankind from the earth. How Iblies became our enemy, a'udu billahi mina shaythanir radiem.
He is Allahs enemy, therefore he is our enemy! And his only wish is to keep us from the straight path (as we all know). But learning about him, and the deed that made him from a worshiper of Allah to a disobedient and even cursed one. He whitnessed Allah, the Almighty. And yet, he chose to be arrogant and to disobey. Doesn't that frighten you? It was his arrogance, he neglected his Lords will and fell into complete sin. What does that say about us?
Think about that..


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