
Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

With everything happening in Gaza, Syria, all the other countries, all the airplane accidents and people around me dying.. 
I find myself thinking about death more often.. soubhana Allah. 
And the fact that it's Ramadan increases these thoughts. 
Soubhana Allah.. 
I think about, how I am not ready to die.. 
I am nowhere near the state of imaan I wish to have before I go.. 
Ya Allahh azza wa djall, while I wish and hope for a day where I might whitness Your Greatness.. 
I fear my own shortcomings.. 
I fear my own thoughts, my own actions.. 
My own nafs.
Ya Allah Soubhana wa Ta'Allah it is only with Your Ra7ma that I might enter Jannat.. 
but wallahi Ya Rabb.. 
I'm scared to die.. 
I'm scared that I'm not a good person.. 
I'm scared for my many flaws, my sins, my wrongs.. soubhana Allah.. 
In this holy month of Ramadan, I find my heart crying for Palestine.. 
I find my mind occupied with thoughts of how I'm ever gonna be able to defend my sins, my many sins to You O Almighty.. 
I am here, in a warm bed, blessed Alhamdoellilaah.. 
I am scared for my brothers and sisters who are dying, crying and getting murdered.. 
I pray for them and my heart goes out to them.. 
Ya Allah Soubhana wa Ta'allah, You are the only One Who can save them, so I ask You, to please save them Ya Allah.. and let them enter gardens beyond imagination.. let these heroes enter the land where there is no pain, nor suffer, nor death.. and maybe, just maybe.. I shall meet you all there in sha Allah  


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