Soubhana Allah..

Salaamoe aleikoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Yesterday I came across this picture that was posted by converted sister.. And while reading, I teared up a little..
After a long search I found the lecture, a true must see!
But then, just reading the few sentences on this image, the message is so clear..
Soubhana Allah this is something I walk around with every single day..
I love my family, and I try not to think about it too much..
I try to look at myself and my own destiny..
Cause who says I will ever be among those whom smell Jannat ?
Let along see it !
Soubhana Allah.. I cry when people tell me their parents died.. Because it is a sad sad thing..
And I pray for all of them, may Allah Azza wa Djall have mercy on them, amen!
But remind yourself, there are many of your brothers and sisters who can't even make du'a for their parents because they aren't muslim.
Every time you think your mom is 'obnoxious' or what ever..
Remind yourself, paradise lies beneath her feat..
And when she dies, in sha Allah, she will go to a much better place!
But I wish people would understand what a blessing it is to have muslim parents..
Even if they are not practicing.
Just to be able to share the greatest thing in your life with them..
To be able to learn from them.. To make them proud and to be able to fast with them during this wonderful month.
I love my family, and them not being muslims doesn't change that one bit.
But please people, you are so blessed.
I hope I helped to make you understand this..


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