Suffering is a ni3mah

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Soubhana Allah.. I walk around and hear people complain about the most idiotic things you can possibly imagine.
And I meet people all the time who ask for sympathy when they do not even know what suffering means.
Soubhana Allah..
I meet people every single day who talk to me about being broken.
Being unhappy.
Having the world push them into sin and failure.
And I listen, and I knot my head.
I try to tell myself every time, this is their struggle.
But sometimes when I see people act all sad and unhappy I just want to slap them in the face and scream..
You don't know what suffer is, until you lose the person most close to your heart..
You don't know what fighting is, until one of your own parents attack you..
You don't know what crying is, until fighting against your tears isn't possible.
You don't know what getting broken by someone is, until your family turns their back on you.
And even then.. Even then, you might not even know suffer.
Look at our prophet sallalahoe aleiyhie wa salaam.
He sufferd.
He lost.
He lived in intense hunger..
He cried.
He feared..
He went through it all, soubhana Allah. And yet, he smiled ma sha Allah.
Suffer is a big part of our religion.
We are muslims.. alhamdoellilaah. This world is a prison for the believers.
It was never meant to be a paradise, cause what would be the point?
We're here to suffer.. to sin.. to beg for forgiveness.
In sha Allah.
People, please understand that suffering is a part of life.
It's your test in sha Allah.
Stop hating it and start opening yourself to the lesson behind it in sha Allah.


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