
Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Do you ever think about it ? 
Writing. Why it is like therapy for the soul.
How one day you can stare at a blank page.. Not able to write down a word.
Like there's nothing. Everything is just chaos. And yet. It's quiet.
And than you have days where the words just seem to flow out of your fingers, like the words where just waiting for you to grab your pen and just let them out..
Like the words aren't your words, they take you over.. you become theirs.
And the lines just write themselves.. soubhana Allah..
It's an amazing thing.
And everytime I have a moment like that, it surprises me.
And afterwards, reading back my own words. It could just as easily been written by someone else.
It sneaks up on me in conversations..
It comes back to me when I'm giving someone advice..
The power of words. How much comfort you can put into them.
How much hurt can come from words. Simple words.
More powerful than any gun or sword.
I notice it when I tell people my likes, and people often react in a way where they're shocked.
I've had people asking me if  'I wrote it myself'. And even if I respond by saying 'yes' I always add up with 'I suppose'.
This is because, my writing is always inspired by someone. Something they did or something they said. So, for a huge part.. I am just a woman who gets inspired.
All my inspiration comes from my religion. One way or another..
And in my acceptance op being different or unique came from this hadeeth you probably already know:

Ibn Umar Radi'allahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah Sallalahoe aleiyhie wa Salaam once said:
"Be on this dunya as if you are a stranger of a traveler"
Sahih al Bukhari

This shows that a muslim should never be scared of leaving the 'main stream'.
We should find peace in the small things. Not be scared of solitude. Because we have Allah Soubhana wa Ta'allah..
I am not saying, be lonely. I am saying.. never lower your islamic standards or values for the low price of company.
Rather be lonely with Allah as your first priority than to be in the company of bad people who make you abandon His rules.
The older you get, the more clichés become relatable..
But the older I grow, the more I see uniqueness in the smaller things.
Because these days uniqueness is something people beg to see on the outside.
And sure, if you look closely it usually shows.
But much more interesting is uniqueness of the soul.
And over the years, I've come to understand that I like things a lot of people don't like.
I'm a converted Muslim, I guess that that's also not something you see every day..
I look at the world in a completely different way than others.
I suppose I am weird.
But I guess I am okay with that. I guess I'm done fighting it.
I've been done fighting that for a long time.
And I don't look at myself as a writer.
I'm the person who get's taken over by words.
Who finds comfort in saying them or writing them down.
Someone who finds herself in words.
Someone who only believes something when it's been spoken..
I married a man who is the opposite way. He is someone who sees.
Someone who does.

A man of few words.
Lucky enough, or better said: by Allah's plan.. we found eachother.
Him without a single word needed.
And me. With enough words for the two of us.


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