Ya Allah Azza wa Djall

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Ya Allah Azza wa Djall, eventhough I feel so far away from You..
Eventhough at times, I feel like I'm drowning in my sins.
Not a day goes by without me being reminded of how grateful I am.
I know I have such a long way to go..
And at times I get so scared to ever face You, o Almighty..
I don't wanna end my life in this condition..
Ya Rabb, I pray to be with those whom shall taste true victory.
Ya Allah Azza wa Djall, I wish to be someone who lives for You, and You only.
I'm so scared of myself, my naffs.. please ya Allah azza wa djall, guide me to You.
Fill our hearts with Imaan and taqwa.
O Allah soubhana wa ta'allah..
Islam is my greatest blessing Alhamdoellilaah..
The hardest times came since I embraced Islam, and yet, true happiness can only be found when You, o Allah, are in our hearts.
I thank You for everything, every hardship and every ease..
Don't ever lead me away from You, ya Allah Azza wa Djall..


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