Dear mum

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

The position of your mother in our deen..
Soubhana Allah..
I see people converting to islam, and completely abandoning their mothers..
Allah Must'aan..
My mom is my hero.
My mom and I had a rough couple of years.
She didn't want me to become muslim..
But does that mean, I should leave her ?
NO.. she's my mom.. And Allah Azza wa Djall created me, from her DNA..
She carried me for 9 months..
She raised me, the best way she could.. and I believe she did a fine job alhamdoellilaah.
My mom always told me to think for myself, and not follow the crowd.
My mom always stayed by my side, no matter how much she disagreed.
I know that she'll always be a part of my life, in sha Allah.
I love her, and I'd like to say something to every converted muslim who abandoned their mother.
And I am not talking about the people of whom their moms abandoned THEM, cause sadly, I know that also happends.
All I want to say is, she's your mother.. Even when she disagrees with you, she loves you.
Even when she fights you, remind yourself, she is your mother, treat her with love and respect.
In complete harmony with the rules of our religion.
Show your mom that the person that you've always been is still there.
I'm here mom, and I love you with all my heart.
Nothing could ever change that!


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