After every hardship there is ease..

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

When you're young, you believe life is a fairytale..
You believe that after every bump on the road, you'll get up gracefuly and someday soon you will jump on your prince Charmings white horse and ride off to the sunset where you'll live happily ever after.
But the older you get, the more you start to understand that falling means nother more and nothing less than smashing into the cold, hard groud.. 
And getting up isn't graceful  or easy at all. It's hard, painful, bloody and messy.
It messes you up mentally.
You'll come to understand that this, prince Charming was a dark knight all along.
And even when he tries to lift you from the cold hard floor, chances are he's right next to you, struggeling and bleeding himself.
Chances are he was the one who pushed you in the first place..
This is why it is so important my sweet sisters.. that you try to keep it halal until you are married..
And don't get me wrong, that dark knight can turn into a dragon when you are married.

But to keep close to Allah and His rules will provide an out.
It will provide a way out of the darkness, even if it's a long road ahead.
But the biggest chance is that he doesn't know how to help you..
You don't show him the blood.
You tell him you're fine.
And he'll look you in the eye, knowing you're lying.
But he's not a hero, or charming, he'll be there with you, all the bloody time.
He'll be patient when you try to put the pieces together..
He won't say it, but you'll see it in his eyes.
You'll come to understand that lovestories are not only stories of rainbows, sunsets and happily ever afters in this dunya..
There will be fighting, crying, lying, trying..
There may be death.
Allahu a'lam..
Love isn't that pink, fuzzy and sticky as in the fairytales.
Love is two people, sticking together through it all..
Through all this dunya has to offer.
Patience is a key, and lots and lots of love !
You have to understand life and love.. both are not a fairytale.
You have to let go of all of that..
Life is just survival.
It is submission to Allah and your spouse is someone who's there.
You don't have to do it on your own, that's what marriage means.
And as you grow older, that is more romantic than any fairytale.

Just, you and your spouse striving for Jannat in sha Allah.
And all those times, people told you that nothing in life is for free..
That you have to work hard for every single step in life, it will start to make sense..
Life isn't what I've ever expected it to be..
I've become someone, I think I never knew I'd become.. 
But most of all, I've come to understand that this life sucks a lot of the time.
Happines can be found in even the smallest of things..
But after every hardship there will be ease in sha Allah.
That's a promise Allah Azza wa Djall made us.
It scares me that I'm so young and I may have all those years ahead of me..
I think.. I think, I just got started.
Allahu a'lam, only Allah Ta'allah knows how long we have..
But at the same time, I look forward to all the experiences..
All the happy times, the possibilities and all the lessons I have not yet learned..
I hope I'll die in a way that, I do not think is possible to live..
Graceful. And on deen.
Cause it's not the bloody falls I want to be remembered for..
I want to be remembered as the strong woman, who got up anyway.


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