Hurting eachother

Salaamoe Aleykoem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu akhawaat,

In this life you meet, thousands of people..
When you are young you have this belief that people are good, that they do good things.
But when you get older you come to understand that it is not that easy.
Most people you meet will hurt you one way or another.
Some a little, others a lot.
They'll break your heart, tell lies or simply leave.
Over the years you'll find yourself getting more anxious, more careful letting people in.
And at some point, most people create a surtain wall around them.
This is simply there to protect yourself from getting hurt.
Only people who take the time to break down your wall get to have that little piece of you.
That little piece of your soul.
And it's the people of who you least expect it.. who remain.
But the truth is, almost every single person you meet, will hurt you at one point.. and this doesn't make them bad people.
It simply makes them people.
I've hurt people..
Not because I've wronged them.
Well.. Not intentionally.
But believe me, every single person hurts other people.
It's who we are.
Allah Soubhana wa Ta'allah created us with flaws.
And He Ta'allah loves us when we break down in tears and cry over our mistakes..
When we repent.
Making mistakes isn't what makes you a bad person.
It's the never learning of your mistakes..
It's the intention behind every deed.
If you love somebody.. if you really love them. You should make sure you try your best never to hurt them, and when you do, you work on yourself.
You strive to become better.
To never ever make that ame mistake again.
And as long as you fight, Allah Azza wa Djall will keep on bringing new people in your life.
And you learn not to hurt them.
You learn to control your bad sides.
Your flaws.
And the right people, and that will only be a handfull, will help you and accept your flaws so it gets harder for you to hurt them unintentionaly.
It's those people that will stay.
The people who don't want to see you change.
Who care for you, just the way you are.
And inside every smart mouthed girl and every tough macho man, there's this little bruised heart.
And it's the tough attitude that get's them from one day to another.
We're humans. We hurt. We fall. We get up. We move forward.
We look up and thank Allah Azza wa Djall for another lesson.
So don't think you are a bad person..
As long as you keep on working on yourself.
Keep on trying.. Allah Azza wa Djall will know your effort.
He Soubhana wa Ta'allah will guide you in sha Allah.
What people sometimes forget is that those hard people are often the people who've been hurt the most..
It's not up to us to decide who's a bad person and who isn't.
We have Allah Azza wa Djall above us..
He is the One who knows every past, present and future..
Every word, every thought.
If someone hurted you, you move on.
Don't smash their reputation..
It's not up to you, and believe me, it doesn't make you a better person either.


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